New Zealand Plant Breeding and Research Association(NZPBRA)--新西兰植物育种研究协会



  NZPBRA represents

  Plant breeders, intellectual property owners and managers of proprietary agricultural seed.

  The Associations members are seed companies substantially involved in the development and marketing of plant intellectual property on the strength of research proven standards of performance.

  NZPBRA addresses:

  At a National level

  Intellectual property regulation and protection mechanisms.

  Encourages government investment in New Zealand science.

  Advocacy of the benefits and freedom to advance new science.

  Foster a safe, fair and practical regulatory environment.

  Promotion of environmentally positive advances by industry.

  At an Industry level

  Develop and promote forage and arable sector research programmes.

  Develop protocols and benchmarks on cultivar evaluation such that NZPBRA is seen as leader of the industry.

  Establish the Associations status as an influential commentator on relevant topics.

  Develop communications strategy to assist in the achievement of the Associations objectives.

  Take a leadership role to influence the integration of the agricultural industry.

  Engage with and strengthen relationships with other industry organisations.

  Overarching roles

  Maintain relationships nationally and internationally that support the organisation’s objectives.

  Foster the ability to take up and advance international opportunities.

  To be recognised as the “peak body” in the promotion of the benefits of best management practices and the adoption of superior cultivars.

  Identify and promote environmentally sustainable farming practices.

  Develop relationships with appropriate like-minded bodies including NZGSTA and ISF.


  Executive Committee

  Policy and Government relations.

  Relations with other Industry bodies.

  Industry development and promotion.

  Overview Technical Committees.

  Forage Technical Committee

  Manage commercial forage trials.

  Expert advice on technical matters concerning forage and forage utilisation.

  Provide advocacy for forage improvements

  Arable Technical Committee

  Manage commercial trials of cereals and other arable crops.

  Expert advice on technical matters relating to cultivars marketed by members.

  Representation with technical elements of consuming industries e.g. milling, malting etc.

  Provide advocacy for arable improvements.