





所在城市:Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

具体地点:加拿大 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan




联系电话:1 (604) 681-5226

传真:1 (604) 681-2503




国际小麦大会是国际知名度最高、学术影响最大的小麦学术盛会,由国际小麦遗传会议(International Wheat Genetics Symposium,IWGS)和国际小麦会议(International Wheat Conference,IWC)合并而成。国际小麦遗传会议以基因组学和遗传学为主,兼顾育种等内容,每5年一次,到2017年已举办了13届,2017年的参会人数近800人。国际小麦会议以育种和栽培生理为主,兼顾遗传学和种质资源等,每5年一次,到2015年已举办了9届,参会人数也已近700人。我国仅于1993年,李振声院士在北京组织了第八届国际小麦遗传会议。两个小麦会议均为全球范围内小麦相关领域最具影响力和知名度的大会,引领国际小麦科技前沿,交流最新的科技成果和方法技术,为中外小麦科技工作者架起来了合作交流的桥梁。



The Local and International Organizing Committees cordially invite you to participate in the 1st International Wheat Congress with an oral or poster presentation. Posters and presentations will be categorized into one of six themes:

Wheat Diversity, Evolution, and Genetic Resources

Structural and Functional Genomics of Wheat and Wheat Relatives

Wheat Improvement: Breeding, Physiology, and Enabling technologies

Wheat Production Systems: Environment, Sustainability, and Management

Protecting Yield: Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses

Wheat Uses: Functionality, Nutrition, Safety and Human Health.

Authors are encouraged to select the most appropriate category for their abstract. Two poster sessions will be held during the Congress, allowing ample time for interaction with authors.

All submissions will be organized by the International Organizing Committee and following blind peer-review, authors will be notified of acceptance as either an oral or poster presentation. Authors will be notified by end of March, 2019. In the unlikely event that an author does not receive notification, please contact the Congress Secretariat immediately.

Please note that we have to limit the number of submissions per registered participant to maximum one oral contribution and one poster contribution.

One of the guiding principles of the Local and International Organizing Committees is to promote gender, geographic and ethnic diversity of speakers, and to facilitate the development of students, early career scientists, and scientists from developing countries. We encourage authors to select the most appropriate category. Students are especially encouraged to consider submitting an abstract, and will have the opportunity to compete for Symposium awards.